Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Very First Videos!

Today was an intense day! I tried to squeeze in 5 naps, 10 self-grooming sessions, and an extra helping of kitty treats! As you can see by the look in my eyes, I am wired! I really shouldn't complain; I could use the cardio. I am already a healthy 18 pounds, which is normal for a Maine Coon. Normal or not, I still think I should do more sit-ups.

Sitting here wide-eyed and furry-tailed, I remember the first few days I spent in my new home. I loved exploring everything. Playing was my top priority, especially with my parents! Check out this video of us goofing off.

I never liked that rug. See how it taunts me!


  1. You were adorable, Sasha. We hope you don't play with human hands and fingers now, though! Our mom learned the hard way that it's best not teach a young cat to do that--it's not so fun when they grow up and get their big teeth! ;-)

  2. You should hear our Mum making the SQUEEEEEEE noise. You were a cutie that's for sure and because you were so cute, we are now deafened ;)

    We are worried that you only had 5 naps. You must be exhausted!

    Whicky Wuudler

  3. Hi Sasha!
    Welcome to the blogosphere!!! It's fun to make new friends. I'm Katie and I have my own blog too. It's nice to meet you. I have two cousins in New England that are Maine Coons! ... they could probably eat me for lunch... or at least squash me.

    I love your eyeliner! So natural, yet dramatic!

    Come by and see me sometime,
    (Glogirly's Cat)

  4. Hi. Welcome to the CB. You were an adorable little babykitty!

  5. You were an adorable kitten, Sasha. I think you won the battle of the rug.

  6. Hello there, Whicky Wuudler told me you were here and I wanted to say welcome to the Cat Blogosphere as well. You're a handsome dude!

  7. Oh my Bast! Too cute! The SQUEEing going on by Mom is deafening!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

  8. Such a cutie!!!!!!! And what a handsome adult you became!!!! We are very happy to meet you and are looking forward to getting to know you. :)

  9. Hey, Sasha, we came by from the CB to meet you. We don't know if he's a Maine Coon, but we've got our own big cat here, Rusty. You two should be good friends.
